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Do you know Vegeta and what's this cosplay?

 Vegeta is the prince of all Sayans, who are an extraterrestrial race of warriors. Vegeta's home planet is called Planet Vegeta, which was destroyed by Frieza shortly before Goku fought him. He had a wife on Planet Vegeta named Bulma, and later married Bulma on Earth. Vegetas greatest wish is to surpass Goku in might so he can prove to everyone that he's the strongest Saiyan of all.

Where does vegeta come from? Vegeta was born on planet vegeta but died when it exploded because of Frieza. Who does vegeta fight? Vegeta fights Goku, Frieza, Broly and more.

What does vegeta look like?

Vegeta looks like a normal saiyan. He has black hair and purple eyes, he wears a cape that covers all of his body except for his hair and hands. He has blue boots green pants and a black shirt. He also wears Saiyan armor to protect him from attacks. In the movie Broly second coming vegeta loses this armor and gets a new one that covers all of his body except for his hands. This new armor is orange but it has blue lines all over it to make it look meaner than the old one.

How old is vegeta?

Vegeta was born on planet vegeta but he died when it exploded. He was then brought to the Otherworld where he met Goku, who trained him and became his best friend. When Vegeta was 25 he went to Earth to get Bulma, his wife, and take her home. He then fought Goku in the movie but lost. In that movie Vegeta also gave his Super Saiyan 2 form to Goku so that he could defeat Frieza faster than normal which allowed Goku to save the Earth from being destroyed by Frieza's ship .

What is vegeta's Special Attack?

Big Bang Attack. It is a normal ki blast that is enchanced by the users fist being charged with ki. Its name derives from the Big Bang, which created the universe. The user says "big bang attack" as he charges it (in Kai, his voice is heard).

Appearance Edit

Vegeta has dark black hair and purple eyes, he wears a cape that covers half of his body, blue boots, green pants and a black shirt. In the movie Broly second coming vegeta loses this armor and gets a new one that covers all of his body except for his hands and feet.

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