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Where did it come from? "New super Mario brothers"


No one has a monopoly on the phrase "New super Mario brothers" and it's not an official term. It is a reference to the 2011 game, New Super Mario Bros. 2 for Nintendo Wii which included two new playable characters, both "new".

The phrase is unofficially used by gamers who are disappointed in how the original had been marketed as a sequel to 1987's classic NES game Super Mario Brothers while it was actually revealed to be just a remake with some new elements. 

Super Mario is a legendary video game character that appears in the Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World, and New Super Mario Bros. series of platform games. The Italian plumber first appeared in the Japanese game Donkey Kong in 1981, where he was known as Jumpman. His appeal has spawned a plethora of sequels on every gaming system imaginable, including appearances in several major movie releases such as "Super Mario Bros." and "The Wizard".

This article will take a look at how this iconic character has managed to capture the hearts and minds of video game lovers everywhere and why he's so popular - often appearing as one of the most recognizable icons in media history.

These players felt that the fact that previous titles were referenced as sequels meant that they should have been updated with graphics similar to those of its 24th anniversary release instead of being remastered without any changes. Being a Mario game, this would have been unacceptable to them, thus the term was coined. 

Mario first appeared in the arcade game Donkey Kong. Designed by Shigeru Miyamoto, Mario was originally known as Jumpman, but he would soon gain his more well-known name in the sequel Donkey Kong Jr.. In the game, Mario must save his girlfriend Pauline from Donkey Kong by navigating a series of platforms and girders while being pursued by a giant ape. According to Miyamoto, the character was given a mustache because he looked like a plumber, which would later lead to the character's signature occupation.

The following year saw the release of Super Mario Bros. on NES.

The real New Super Mario Bros. series used the same characters as the original NES game and was developed by Nintendo R&D1 Division 1 instead of by Hudson Soft which worked on the original, probably because Hudson Soft was not involved with 2011's version.

The term "New Super Mario Brothers" provided a snarky alternative to "Super Mario Brothers" and its derivatives but gained traction due to misunderstanding and misuse of proper terminology and is now commonly accepted as a valid portmanteau or "blend" with its original namesake that has nothing to do with it.

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