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Bottom 5 Anticipated Titles for Playstation 5

Didja get ya pre orders in? You didn’t? Well… Guess you ain’t playing Playstation 5 right now. Guess you ain’t as exclusive as you thought. Guess you just aint on the cutting edge of electronic entertainment like you thought you were. It’s ok bruh, you just like me. I ain’t get mine either. I’m doin what I can to manage how uncool I am and I’m hoping I can help y’all out too. To help, I’ve been focusing on what specific titles I’m most excited about. I have been to most of the websites and watched a hell of a lot of those countdown videos on YouTube. I came across WatchMojo’s top 10 anticipated titles and I can’t lie, I liked their list a lot.

I’ll tell you the bottom 5 and briefly go over what I know about the games but the top 5 will be a separate article. There I’m gonna go more in depth and show yall why I want these titles. Some of them are titles in genres that I don’t normally play. Tech Boy wants me to expand my horizons so I may end up trying them. Anyway, here’s the bottom 5. Real quick, just cause they’re in the bottom 5 is no indication on our part of what game will be better or worse. This is strictly this author’s opinion and nothing more. If you happen to disagree or think I may have missed a game or made a mistake, please know we aren’t professionals here and I do this for pure enjoyment.

First up is GhostWire: Tokyo. Developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Fallout Oblivion  the Elder Bottle Caps… (Bethesda) GhostWire: Tokyo is a first person action adventure game without a specific release date being slated for a TBD release in 2021.

GhostWire: Tokyo boasts first person action that arms the player with psychic supernatural powers to fight off hordes of ghost-like spirits called “visitors”. These visitors have suddenly arrived in Tokyo the same day most of her citizens vanished.  There’s supposed to be karate style action in there too where the players cast certain spells via karate style hand gestures so the Naruto fans will be pleased.

I was gonna talk a little bit about Little Devil Inside’s cool premise about kids banning together to overcome the challenges of a surreal world. I was gonna talk to yall about the indie company that started a Kickstarter to get the game produced. I was gonna talk to yall about the cool shiny cartoonish design of the characters and atmosphere that seems to be present in the gameplay videos… But then I saw the controversy over the enemy types. 

AYO!!! This a bit tone deaf in 2020 yall. As we see these racist caricatures scamper towards the heros, we just aren’t sure how the hell they made it past the PR department. This has delayed the title indefinitely with the company from Seoul Korea that’s producing it; NeoStream has posted their action plan of how they weren’t aware of the racial connotations depicted by the enemy types and that they plan to remove the lips, dreads, adjust the skin tone, and alter the blow gun to look less like a joint. If you share my sense of humor, you’re laughing the hardest at the blow gun/joint. Little Devil Inside has a TBD release date of 2021 currently. 

Hitman 3 is worth mentioning off the strength of the current success of this “World of Assassination” series that debuted in 2016. This iteration of the title has garnered a lot of popularity in the last gen. IO Interactive’s third game(8th in the entire series) will be the dramatic conclusion to Hitman 1 and 2, as well as the first Hitman title on PS5.

Fans of the series can expect to see Agent 47 back in action, taking on all of his enemies in this conclusive entry in the series. Players can look forward to improvements on all single player aspects of the game however, it was discussed that multiplayer modes including Ghost mode from Hitman 2 will not be returning. Hitman 3 will be in stores January 20, 2021.

    Square-Enix revealed this amazing looking trailer at a game show back in July. The working title is called “Project Athia”.

    Gang, this game is beautiful. Nothing less can be expected from the powerhouse that is Square-Enix.  The game is slated for a 2021 release and some folks were calling it Final Fantasy 16 until we saw the stuff for Final Fantasy 16. It’s being described by the developers as an open world style game and the protagonist is a woman that seems to have nature based powers like a Druid or Geomancer. I haven’t seen Geomancers since Final Fantasy Tactics so it’d be interesting if this is a spin off FF game.


I ain’t gon hold ya with this last title. I’m not saying it’s not going to be good because let’s be real, Insomniac games have proven this last decade they are no slouches. I’m not saying it’s cartoony or aimed at a young demographic. I personally haven’t been into 3rd person platformers since Tai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger so I’m just sayin it’s probably not for me. Did I just show my age there? Whoops. Anyway, what game am I talking about you ask? Well, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is Insomniac’s attempt to bring this long loved duo into the next generation of gaming. Rift Apart will find the titular heroes traversing through multiple realities to stop a maniacal emperor’s attempt to erase all organic life from existence. Why? That’s what mofos do in 3rd person adventure platformers. I expect it to look dope though. Insomniac boasts that the developers plan to make unique usage of the PS5’s dual sense controller. This coupled with the return of planets from previous entries making a comeback to be re-explored, this may prove to be Ratchet and Clank’s most expansive and visually stunning adventure to date. Look for this title by the end of the year or early first quarter 2021. Are there any titles y'all looking forward to? Is Sony movingin the right direction with these titles? Are y'all ready to see the top 5? Let us know here at the Nerd's List.



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